
Frequently Asked Questions


Do programs transfer when there is a transfer ownership?

Yes! Programs do transfer over to the new owner when a site is transferred over to them.


Does “auto mode” need to be enabled for system changeover groups on multi zone systems?

No, auto mode does not need to be enabled for system changeover groups when on a multi-zone system.


Are there any limits on how many indoor units can be in a system changeover group?

No. There are currently no limits to how many indoor units are allowed in a system changeover group.


What voice controls can I perform with Amazon Alexa and Google Home?

With Alexa and Google Home, you can perform dozens of actions with kumo cloud using voice commands. Some examples of the most popular voice commands are:

  • To control the temperature in a specific zone or group. For example: “Alexa or Google, Decrease the temperature in the bedroom by 2°” Note that you can also perform this action by telling Alexa and Google to “Increase” or “Decrease”, “Raise” or “Lower the temperature” and “Make it cooler” or “colder” or “Make it hotter” or “warmer”. You can specify a specific degree to raise or lower the temperature or you can just tell Alexa and Google to make it hotter or colder. You do need to specify the zone name and this should be named differently between Alexa/Google and the Kumo app.
  • to control settings of the mode of a specific zone or group. For example: “Alexa or Google, set downstairs to AC” Note that you can perform this action to set your zone to on/off, heat, heating, cool, cooling, AC, auto. You can also say things other than “set”, such as “change” and “switch”.
  • to check the status of a zone or group. For example: “Alexa or Google, what’s the temperature of the bedroom?” You can ask what mode your zone or group is in and what the current temperature is.


Where can I change from °C to °F?

Conversions are done in the app, under the settings tab. Click on “System Setup” and you will see “Units”. Click on “Edit” to change from metric to imperial and vice versa.


What is “system changeover” auto mode and how does it work?

When your system changeover is in auto mode, it applies kumo cloud’s patented algorithm that chooses whether to change the “mode” between heat and cool based on the difference in room temperature and setpoint for each indoor unit that is grouped together as well as the priority that a zone has been given.

You can set up parameters for system changeover to tailor its performance for your home. In the app you can choose:

  • how long the system should stay in cool or heat mode and wait before switching over (10, 20, 30 or 40 minutes). This reduces the occurrence of your system changing over too frequently.
  • the maximum time that your system should wait for a mode to change (30, 60, 120 or 180 minutes).

You can also choose a zone from within a group to have higher priority than the other zones. This means that the temperature and set point of the higher priority zone will “weigh” more on the determination of a zone switching from cool to heat (or vice versa).


Do you need to allow for notifications for the kumo app?

Yes! Denying notifications may prevent the app from some of kumo cloud’s features as well as important notifications regarding system health.


Why would the app only allow certain setpoint temperatures to be displayed?

Setpoints are determined by the equipment kumo cloud is connected to. Minimum and maximum setpoints can be adjusted in Settings:

Settings > System Setup > Installer Settings

Then you will need to:

  1. Select Your Site
  2. Select the Zone You Want to Adjust
  3. Select "Advanced"
  4. See/Adjust "Min Cool Setpoint" and/or "Max Heat Setpoint"

Please note: Results may vary as setpoints are determined by the system kumo cloud is connected to.


A zone that I have deleted from my phone comes back already named when trying to re-provision the device. How can this be fixed?

The mobile devices cache needs to be cleared, and depending on the type of device you have, there may be 2 ways to accomplish this.

  1. For Android and Apple mobile devices: Delete the kumo app from your phone and reinstall
  2. For Android mobile devices: Clear cache on kumo app in the app's settings


Can Amazon Alexa access more than one account?

No, Alexa can be tied to one account only.


I set up Alexa commands, but why they are not working?

Some equipment may not have the ability to perform what you are asking it to do.

One of the most common issues with Alexa is that you may have named a kumo cloud zone name the same as your Alexa device name. This confuses these devices. Check to make sure that your zone names (e.g. bedroom) are distinct from what you have named your Alexa device.


What is the maximum operating temperature for a wireless interface?

The kumo wireless interface and kumo station are not rated for more than 104° F. An IT extender is recommended to relocate interface away from hot attics or crawl spaces.


What is transfer of ownership and how does it work?

In kumo cloud, we have built in the ability for you to transfer the ownership of a site to another person. This comes in handy for an installing contractor as they can set up a site and then transfer it to their customer once everything is ready. You can also transfer a site to another family member, or to a buyer if you sell your home.

Transfer of ownership is located in “Settings” under “Setup”. To initiate a transfer, you will need to know the new owners’ email address. Once you send to them, they will receive an email invitation. Then they will then need to log into kumo cloud app using the same email you sent the transfer to. Once they do this, you will no longer have access to the site, and they are the new owner.


When I transfer ownership to another person, can I still access the site?

No. When you transfer ownership of a site to another person you can access that site until they accept ownership. Once they do accept, they are the sole owner of the site.


How do I know that a site was transferred successfully?

When you transfer a site, you will see a “Pending” status. This status, and access to the site, are no longer visible once the transfer has been successfully completed.


Does my contractor’s information transfer when there is a transfer of ownership?

If your contractor uses their PIN during installation, or you have selected a Diamond Contractor yourself from within the app, then that contractor’s information will transfer along with the “site”.


What does the icon with up/down arrows indicate?

kumo cloud up/down arrows The arrows up and down icon indicates that the zones within this group are in different modes. As long as one unit is in a different mode than the others, the zone will have this symbol.

Other icons you will see on the Group Tile and its associated indoor units:

  • If they’re all in heat, that icon will be a flame
  • If they’re all in cool, that icon will be a snowflake
  • If they’re all in fan, that icon will be a fan
  • If they’re all in dry mode, that icon will be a water drop
  • If one unit is in Auto mode but cooling the space and another unit is in cool mode, the two arrows will show.


How do I turn the LEDs OFF and ON with a PAC-USWHS002-WF-2?

From the kumo cloud Home screen, tap Settings at lower right:

kumo cloud home screen

On Settings screen, tap System Setup:

kumo cloud Settings screen

On System Setup screen, tap LED Lights:

kumo cloud Setup screen

From LED Lights screen, select the zone you would like to turn the LED lights off or on:

kumo cloud LED lights screen

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